NEXUS: Arena Combat System Knowledge Base

Learn to play the NEXUS: Arena Combat System


About the NEXUS: ACS Knowledge Base

This is a searchable living rulebook that will continue to be updated as further rule clarifications are needed over time. While I did my best to think of everything before release, nobody is perfect.

  • All available content, from rule manuals and tutorial videos, can be found here.
  • All content is searchable.
  • All content is kept up to date and changed as further clarifications are discussed in the community.
  • This online document serves as the official NEXUS: ACS rules errata.

This online document will serve as the official rules for any game-bang tournaments or beer fueled tabletop disputes!

An important note about IMPORTANT NOTES ...

Red blocks represent changes or clarifications to the rules since the publication of the NEXUS: Areana Combat System rules manual that was included with the first edition printing of the game. These clarifications and changes serve as official errata.
