Trait reserve counters
  • 08 Mar 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
  • Contributors
  • Dark

Trait reserve counters

  • Dark

Article summary

Trait Reserve Counters


Trait Reserve Counters are located between a player’s status display and Turning Point Counter on their Aerie Command Panel and are used to track your helot’s Trait Reserves. Trait Reserves represent opportunities for your helot to perform special actions. Some of these actions are common and some are unique to your helot’s motivation. These opportunities will become available to your helot as you grow your Trait Reserves during the initiative rounds throughout the course of the bout.

Beginning Trait Reserve Values

Each helot motivation features one or more trait advantages on their helot motivation card. These are the starting values of each helots’ Trait Reserves. Each player’s Trait Counter is adjusted to reflect these values before the bout begins.

Increasing Trait Reserves

During the initiative round players will roll a Trait Die along with their Ratio Die. Noting the resulting trait of the roll, increase its corresponding Trait Reserve value by (1). Trait Reserve values can never rise above (5) and remain at that limit until spent.

Spending Trait Reserves

You can spend your Trait Reserves in various ways throughout the bout.

  • Trait Abilities: These are an universally shared list of abilities that any helot may perform by having the necessary Trait Points in their reserves.
  • Unique Trait Abilities: These abilities are listed on a helot’s motivation card. Just like regular Trait Abilities, a helot may perform them by having the necessary Trait Points in their reserves.
  • Cancel the negative effects of a Turning Point: Certain Turning Point Cards will detail trait spend values that, if paid, will allow the player the opportunity to negate the negative effects of the card towards their helot.

See Trait Abilities are available to all helots, regardless of their motivation.

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