Movement commands
  • 06 Mar 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
  • Contributors
  • Dark

Movement commands

  • Dark

Article summary

The most basic commands deal with navigating your helot around the barge arena. There is no die roll needed to perform them; you simply must have enough Movement Points available to fulfill the MPC requirements. It is important to keep up with your helot’s Forward-Facing Direction (FFD), as even rotating your helot 90-degrees has an MPC value.


Your helot’s Forward-Facing Direction (FFD) cannot be changed without spending (1) Movement Point per 90-degree turn!

Move Forward


Description: Command your helot to move (1) square Forward or Side-slipping into an unoccupied space in any of the (3) adjoining forward squares relative to the attacker’s FFD.
Cost: (1) MPC
d6 Roll Result Needed: NA
Success Result: Move your helot (1) square forward.
Failure Repercussions: NA


Moving your helot forward at a 45-degree angle (diagonally) while keeping their FFD is considered (1) forward move.



Description: Instruct your helot to Rotate their FFD 90-degrees.
Cost: (1) MPC
d6 Roll Result Needed: NA
Success Result: Rotate your helot’s FFD 90-degrees left or right.
Failure Repercussions: NA


Your helot is limited to (2) consecutive rotation movements in any single space and both rotations must be in the same direction.

Move Backward, Left, or Right


Description: Tell your helot to move (1) square Backward, Left or Right while maintaining their current FFD.
Cost: (2) MPC
d6 Roll Result Needed: NA
Success Result: Move your helot (1) square backward, left, or right while keeping their current FFD.
Failure Repercussions: NA

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