  • 06 Jul 2023
  • 4 Minutes to read
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Article summary


Where a helot finds its will to fight and survive in the NEXUS. From an early age, they are given a series of tests by their Gnoem creators to determine the helot’s motivation to survive.



“Oh! Oh! That’s mine! I’m keeping it!” is the battle cry of a Hoarder. Collecting ANYTHING they see lying around, hoarders can’t wait for their next match to see what treasures it will bring! They are surprisingly quick and agile, darting in and out of combat and grabbing what they can. While they love their trinkets, they hate the crowd, viewing them as competition. At any second, the crowd could rush the field and grab all the Hoarder’s stuff!

Hoarders are also quite crafty and sly. They have a real talent for sneaking things both on and off the barges. It isn’t uncommon to see a hoarder produce a ranged weapon from some unmentionable hiding spot. While not INC approved, it certainly isn’t discouraged; the fans love it too much!

Trait Bonuses

Instinct, Deftness, and Cunning

Unique Trait Abilities


2 INST and 1 CUNN+SDS to all aim commands for this command round.


2 INST, 2 DEFT, and 2 CUNNThe helot smuggled in roacguls to attack an opponent. Unlimited range - No LOS necessary - No SDS bonus or penalty - A successful attack does (5) random location damage.

Special Skill

BOOFINGBegins the match with a random crate item.

Wait! Does that mean a bomb can go off in my helots ass to start a bout?
Yes it does.



When all other options have failed, gnoems turn to this tried-and-true motivation. Famished are starved and only allowed to eat their opponents. Intrinsically gnoems have no issues with this, but feel it is a waste of perfectly good biomatter. Famished are an extremely dangerous bunch with above-average stature and an excellent, almost primal fighting instinct.

The INC recently passed a special amendment concerning the spleen team’s handling of leftover biomatter in fights involving famished. After a cost analysis of recycled biomatter savings against the costs of replacing Spleen Team workers, they decided to only gather the losing helot’s equipment.

Trait Bonuses

Instinct, Physicality, and Cunning

Unique Trait Abilities


2 PHYS and 2 CUNNCreate a guts tile in the square directly in front of the helot, even if occupied by another helot .


2 INST, 2 PHYS, and 2 CUNNThe helot has snuck in a sharpened bone from a previous opponent. Give the helot a shiv and change its status to armed.

Special Skill

FEASTWhen inflicting upper or lower appendage damage, you have the choice to add the cred coins to your helot’s overall instead of your cred pile.



This helot believes they are the superior species and wants to shed blood to prove it. This is a sought after prize of the Meat Gardens. Strong, proud, and good with a crowd, these helots have no shortage of confidence in their professed genetic advantages. They take it upon themselves to be the champion of their entire species, becoming incredibly outspoken. Yet rarely, if ever, do their species want them to speak on their behalf. This never stops them from doing so.

Always a crowd favorite, the Supremacist loves fighting a Critiqueur. Any opportunity to sing the praises of their species while pointing out the flaws of others on an interdimensional stage is always a treat for them. They truly hate all other species. In fact, it isn’t uncommon to see a Supremacist trying to liberate themselves during a barge bout, mostly motivated by their desire not to cohabitate with lesser lifeforms.

Trait Bonuses

Willpower, Physicality, and Swagger

Unique Trait Abilities


2 PHYS and 1 SWAGIf grappled, the helot is immediately liberated and is now grappling the opposing helot.


2 WILL and 1 SWAGTake a Head Location shot at no penalty. Your helot takes 2 head damage if unsuccessful. Its opponent must be grappled to attempt.

You may use Headbutt as the focused attack to begin a combo.

Special Skill

HANDSYGrappling only costs (1) AP.


MOT_8-ZEALOT_ART MOT_8-Zealot_Stats

The one redeeming quality of a Zealot is their eagerness to kill for their beliefs. A Zealot fights to spread the word of their religion and show off the power of their god (or gods). They believe we were all put here for a reason, and if their opponent doesn’t believe in their higher purpose, they are more than happy to spill blood to prove their divine mission is pure.

A Zealot’s faith is quite potent and makes them ridiculously hard to kill. The only thing a Zealot craves more than the healing power of their faith is fame. Much like any fame whore, there aren’t a lot of boundaries when it comes to achieving attention. In the end, fame will always win over any conflicts with their religious tenets.

Trait Bonuses

Willpower, Deftness, and Swagger

Unique Trait Abilities


2 WILL and 2 SWAGRestore any missing appendage to (1) by taking (1) from your helot’s overall condition. The helot must be standing in blood.


2 WILL, 2 DEFT, and 2 SWAGDrain (5) overall condition from an opposing helot to your helot. This ability requires the same attack positioning as a standard attack.

Special Skill

WALK ON BLOODIgnores blood tile effects.

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