  • 12 Sep 2023
  • 2 Minutes to read
  • Contributors
  • Dark


  • Dark

Article summary


Once the obstacles have been placed, it is time to lay the Hazards. In a barge bout, Hazards are the great equalizer. A cunning player will use them to their advantage.


The placement of Hazards and obstacles can be done in various ways.

  • Schematics: The Barge Schematics section (pg.38) details a number of pre-generated Unsanctioned Barge schematics along with a key, indicating symbols for each obstacle and hazard.
  • RPOs: Randomly Placed Objects (RPOs) are determined by rolling one (1) Green and one (1) Orange eight sided die. The resulting numbers are then used to place the object. The ORANGE die is used to determine the East/West location of the object, with (1) being the West most square and (8) being the East most square. The GREEN die is used to determine the North/South location of the object, with (1) being the North most square and (8) being the South most square. Refer to each specific object’s rules for information about handling already occupied squares.
  • Mutual Agreement: You and your opponents can simply agree as to where to place obstacles and hazards.

Activation Types

There are several different ways in which a hazard may be activated.

  • Turning Point Roll Duplicate: If when marking your Turning Point during your command round, you find it has already been marked, that is a Turning Point Roll Duplicate.
  • Always Active: These hazards are always in effect or simply activate upon contact or by helots being within an area effect range.
  • Turning Point: These hazards activate whenever a player reaches a Turning Point.
  • Player Activated: These hazards require some type of action by your helot to begin their reign of terror.

Activation Order

The hazards’ order of activation is agreed on by the players before the start of the match. Hazard cards should be arranged from left to right in the order that they are to be activated.

Hazard Damage

All damage done by Hazards is paid to the Crowd Pile, with a couple exceptions...

  • Being Thrown, Dragged, or Pushed: If a helot is forcibly relocated into a hazard against it’s will by another helot, the attacking helot’s lanista is awarded the FIRST round/instance of damage to their Player Cred Pile.

This means the initial location and overall damage from Floor Spikes, but not the bleeding damage each round and not the damage caused by the victim bouncing off a pillar and back into the Floor Spikes.


If when dragging an opponent into a hazard you fail your roll and are pulled in with them, your opponent receives the first instance of damage against you to their Player Cred Pile.

  • Being Grappled by or Grappling a Flaming Helot: If a helot in the Flaming State grapples another opponent, the attacking helot’s lanista will recieve the initial round of (5) Overall Condition damage to their Player Cred Pile. Subsequent damage at the beginning of the victim’s command rounds will go to the Crowd Pile. Alternatively, if a helot (not already in the Flaming State) willingly grapples an opposing helot (currently in the Flaming State), the grappling helot’s lanista will also recieve the initial round of (5) Overall Condition damage to their Player Cred Pile.

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