Ending the bout and determining the winner
  • 03 Apr 2023
  • 2 Minutes to read
  • Contributors
  • Dark

Ending the bout and determining the winner

  • Dark

Article summary

Ending the Bout and Determining the Winner

Winning a NEXUS bout is not as straightforward as it would seem. It is not as simple as merely defeating your opponent’s helots.

Ending the Bout

There is only one way to end a NEXUS bout; The incapacitation or death of all but (1) competing helot; On rare occasion, all competing helots will expire!


A helot is incapacitated if its Overall Condition is reduced to zero (0).

  • Award (5) bonus Cred Coins from the Crowd Coin Pile to the helot landing the incapacitating blow.
  • The attacking helot receives an extra two (2) AP Prone Bonus against the incapacitated helot.
  • When a helot is incapacitated and the attacker has remaining AP, it can be spent attacking the helot, giving damage to the player’s Cred Pile as normal; The remaining attacks are automatically successful, rolling only for damage against a defensive roll of zero (0).
  • If the attacking helot takes its victim from incapacitation to death, its owner will receive an additional five (5) Cred Coins.

When incapacitating a helot, the attacking helot may finish its current command round as normal, but afterwards the incapacitated helot is replaced with a Guts Tile.


A helot is killed if its Head or Chest Location is reduced to zero (0).

  • Award (10) bonus Cred Coins from the Crowd Coin Pile to the helot landing the killing blow.

Determining the Winner

Once the bout has ended, it is time to declare the true winner of the event. Who has done the most to advance their own fame, bit cache, and reputation during the match?!

  • First, award the owner of the last standing helot a (10) Cred Coin bonus from the Crowd Coin Pile.
  • Now, tally up each Cred Coin in the Crowd Coin Pile as well as the Cred Coins in each player’s Cred Coin Pile, Ignoring any remaining Cred Coins on the player’s Aerie Command Panels.
  • The player with the most Cred Coins, if their total is greater than that of the Crowd Coin Pile, is declared the winner.

If the Crowd Coin Pile coin total is greater than the highest Player Cred Coin count, the bout is considered a draw.


At the conclusion of a bout, if two or more Helots are tied the with same amount of cred coins and beating Crowd Pile, victory is awarded to the last Helot standing.

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