Command, movement, and action points
  • 10 Apr 2023
  • 2 Minutes to read
  • Contributors
  • Dark

Command, movement, and action points

  • Dark

Article summary

Command, Movement, and Action Points

As a lanista, it is your job to allocate Command Points between movements and actions. You must then use your commands to put your helots in the best position to survive and possibly win their bout.

Command Points

At the start of their Command Round each player is given a pool of six (6) Command Points.


Look at your selected lanista’s stats, Command represents the number of expendable bonus Command Points that may be used during your own Command Rounds over the course of the bout. These points may be used at any time during your command round to increase either MP or AP. These bonus command points once used are disgarded and are not replesnished throughout the reast of the bout.

Declaring your helot’s action/movement ratio

You allocate your Command Points between your helot’s Movement Point Reserve and its Action Point Reserve based on your ratio die value, rolled during the Initiative Round. The ratio die value represents the Command Points that can be allocated to the reserve of the player’s choosing, with the remaining Command Points being allocated to the unselected reserve. For example, let’s say you have rolled a (2). You may spend (2) on action, leaving (4) for movement, or spend (2) on movement, leaving (4) for action.

Movement Points (MP)

These are points that may be spent commanding your helot to move, rotate, stand-up or possibly even free itself from an opponent’s grapple.

Action Points (AP)

These are points that may be spent commanding your helot to attack, take aim, grapple, or even mock an opponent.

Spending Your Helot’s Movement Action Points

You will spend your helot’s MP and AP by selecting from a list of Commands. You can execute your commands in any order you desire. You can even mix them up and start with a movement command, instruct your helot to perform an action and then finish with another movement.

Unspent Points

There are penalties for wasting your helot’s MP and AP. The crowd expects action and grow annoyed when they feel your helot is not reaching its full potential. Due to this, you will lose (1) Cred for each unspent MP or AP at the end of your Command Round. Have no Cred? Well then, start deducting from your helot’s Overall Condition instead; This is due to the crowd throwing debris at your helot to show their lack of support. All unspent point penalties are paid to the Crowd Coin Pile.


“Wait! The fight just begun, and I have no Cred yet! Is my helot already losing Overall Condition?!” Yep. I guess you better get it over there to fight.

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